Suits in the SeaOn Sunday the 31st of Jan, at 7am, on the beach in front of Joe’s Cafe, Henley South, renown surrealist photographer Andrew Baines will create “SUITS IN THE SEA!”

Hopefully hundreds of people in black suits, holding black umbrellas and a soft toy, standing in the sea! The photo shoot will raise awareness & money for “The Hospital Research Foundation” (The QEH, Royal Adelaide & associated hospitals)

$10 to participate, money payable on the morning.

Money will go towards building small 3 bedroom homes for country cancer patients, so that families can stay together when treatment is needed in Adelaide.

Please join the event here, so we know how many to expect.

Address: Joe's Cafe, The Esplanade, Henley Beach South

Sunday July 23, 8.30am

Artist Andrew Baines invites you to WALK FOR PEACE!

Meet Henley Square, walk Henley to Grange & back
Please wear all white, and if it’s rainy, bring a white umbrella.

“Every day in the media we here about the latest international flash point, racial & cultural tensions, domestic violence, social media bullying the list goes on. It’s like out world is going mad, we feel we have no control over out future, we’re mere human flotsam & jetsam. I want to turn these negatives into a positive! I want our communities to come together in solidarity too talk about these issues & to walk together as one.

Solidarity is an invitation to be mighty!”


Address: Henley Square, Seaview Road, Henley Beach